St. Michael's Church Bereavement Team
Grief is a natural response to all losses in life, but the grief experienced after the death of a loved one can be the deepest and most intense pain of all. Grief is intensely personal, it may be chaotic and is often unpredictable and can be all consuming.
At St Michael’s our bereavement team are Andy McGregor, Jan Cassar and Matt Hanlon.
What we offer
As a small team we provide support and friendship at a difficult time. We can either speak over the telephone or meet you in person and listen/ facilitate/accompany you on your grief journey. We are also supported by the diocesan deanery bereavement team and if you would prefer, we can put you in touch with them.
We have also organised a number of activities/events that provide another layer of support-
1. There is a weekly coffee morning every Wednesday from 10.30am to 12.30pm in the church hall available to anyone. It is a social hub to meet and chat over a cup of coffee/tea and a slice or two of cake. Some of our parishioners who attend have experienced loss but it is also an opportunity to meet and make new friends.
2. A bereavement cafe meeting on the last Friday of every month from 11am to 12pm in the Church Hall. Here we meet as group to share our thoughts/feelings with each other on a variety of topics in a secure, safe and respectful environment.
3. Once a year a bereavement mass takes place at St.Michael`s church to honour and remember our loved ones who have passed away.
4.If you would also like to plan your own funeral we provide a template for you to be able to do this, which can be left in the Parish Office for loved ones to obtain when it is required (See the resources available below.)
Contact Us
If you would like any further details on the above, please get in touch with the parish office on 01372 27 22 67 or email - A member of the bereavement team will then contact you using the contact details you have provided. Everything you tell us is confidential.
Planning a Funeral at St. Michael's
Once you have met with the priest to discuss funeral arrangements there are a number of resources that you can use to help you prepare a funeral order of service -
Click here to download our Funeral Booklet
Click Here to download our Template for a Funeral service with Requiem Mass
Click here to download our Template for a Funeral Service at a Church or Crematorium
Click here to download our Template for My own Funeral Service