Parishioner Registration

Welcome to St. Michael’s Parish Registration page.


Over the past few years, the parish had made an effort to move our paper records onto an online record which fully complies with GDPR. 

 UK Data Protection – GDPR :Under UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) we need your consent to process your personal data. Both the online and paper forms contain an initial declaration explaining how the data will be used and your rights under the law.

As St. Michael’s is part of the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton, we are bound by the Diocesan Data Protection Handbook and Privacy Notice, copies of which are available on the diocesan website. To view copies on the diocesan website Click here 

Current Parishioners

If you joined the Parish pre 2021 and came to Mass on a regular basis, you would have seen paper registation forms asking you to fill in your details as part of the Parish Census or been asked to complete the registration form online. You will have been emailed your Parish Household Number once your registration was complete. If you can not remember, email the Parish Office and we can check for you. Please provide your adress and your full name. 


New Parishioners 

If you are new to the Parish, you will need to fill out a registration form.

Guidance Notes for completing the Parish Registration form - We have put together a short (2 page) document to help you complete the  form with the minimum of fuss. It explains the types of information you will need to have at hand and suggests that you gather it in advance before starting your form.  Click here to download 


The Parishioner Registration Form 

You can either complete your registration form online or download and print a paper form and return it to the Parish Office. 

We would like to encourage you to complete the form online if you can, as this auto updates without a need for manual input. It only takes a few minutes on average and avoids the need for additional data entry in the Parish Office.  

Either Click here to complete the online form 


Click here to download a printable copy of the paper form (4 pages).  

Fr Maxwell's Memorial