Who Does What


Parish Priest

Provost Canon William (Bill) Davern


Fr Stephen O'Brien

Deacon Rev David Pattinson

Parish Office 

Parish Secretary                         

Parish Team Coordinators 

Safegaurding Jacqui Shabankareh
Chair of Finance Alison Morgan
Parish Communications The Parish Office & Bill O'Neil
Gift Aid Coordinator David Gwyther
Liturgy  Rev David Pattinson & Emma Pearce
Church Music & Choir Emma Pearce
Baptism & Marriages Parish Priest
First Holy Communion (FHC) Susan Marsh 
Confirmation Caroline Balko
Bereavement Team Jan Cassar &  Andy McGregor 
Care Group Caroline King
Health and Safety Steve Kearney & Andrew Cooke
Sacristan Carmel Benedict, Maria Adams, Philippa Dupenois & Caroline King
Ecumenism James Close and Ted LeRiche
Children's Liturgy

Marie Newman

Hall Bookings

The Parish Office

Readers & Welcomers Rota

Marie Newman

Cleaning Rota

Mary Merrett

Banking & Counting Rota

Mary Merrett

Repository & Bookstall

Tala Gogy

Church Flowers

Barbara Quinlan

Charity Representitives

APF (Missio)  Mary Merrett
CAFOD  Andrew Marsh
ACN (Aid to the Church in Need) Danny Lynch
Christian Aid David & Barbara Hiley
Epsom & Ewell Foodbank David & Barbara Hiley

Social Events

Men's Breakfast Group James Close
Church Soup Lunch Caroline Fitzherbert
Mother Teresa Co-Workers                     Mary Merrett
Wednesday Coffee Mornings Andy & Kay McGregor
Bingo Pat Swain

Catholic Schools

St. Andrew's Secondary - Head Teacher

Alan Mitchell         

St. Peter's Primary - Head Teacher

Lisa Kelly                       

The Trumpet (Quarterly Parish Magazine)

Editing Team                                Alison Morgan and Mike King
Fr Maxwell's Memorial