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Stop Press: Spring 2025 - Deanery Newsletter

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Replacement of Church Noticeboard

Saturday 1st March 2025

Following the loss of the external noticeboard in a storm in 2022, the church has been without any formal display of denomination or even basic information regarding Mass times etc.  Prior to Fr Tony Churchill’s departure there was agreement to replace the sign but with many changes in the parish the project has been delayed.  
Although the loss of the noticeboard is regrettable the event offers the opportunity to reconsider signage and the information on offer to parishioners and passers-by.  The original painted sign displayed basic church information with no opportunity for updating and it is doubtful if parishioners gave it much attention.  Modern, flexible signs offer the opportunity to show fixed detail but importantly can be used to publicise upcoming liturgical and social events, not just for the church itself but for the community and significantly our schools which are such an important factor for those visiting our church.  
We considered it important to ensure that the aesthetics of the sign were in keeping with the site - some modern signs can look out of place in a church setting and we wanted to ensure a pleasing appearance for ourselves and our neighbours. 
We also considered the location of the sign, conscious that the original board was placed some distance from the viewer and badly obstructed by the hedge.
With these thoughts in mind we looked at an alternative position as shown in this mock-up:-

The most immediate benefits are visibility and clarity.                          A great deal of research has been done into costing resulting in agreement from our Finance Committee to a quotation in the sum of £1860 to which we have added £200 for installation.  
As you are aware, church funds are limited and for this reason we offer this project as one where you might wish to support the parish with sponsorship.  We are not suggesting any maximum or minimum amounts – any sum you feel able to contribute would be extremely welcome.  And of course, we would be very happy to hear from anyone wishing to commemorate a loved one with an individual gift representing the full amount.  Such a dedication would be marked with a suitable plate. 
If you are able to help, please have a word with Alison 01372 272267, or  who will be happy to help.  

Fr Maxwell's Memorial